Tinker dwelling

Kia Ora, My class and I have been researching natural disasters,  a part of that work was to make a dwelling that could with stand tsunamis, a dwelling is a type of house over the water such as lakes and maybe ponds, our job was to make that house in a 3D model of our own, we were also told to take 3-5 photos of our build and put it on our blog with all this information.


Report Writing

Hello there, Today I will be posting about a type of writing I’ve been working on for a while now, it’s a report writing about an avalanche that happened somewhere in the snowy mountains, i’m just talking about what I think  could or would happen, feel free to read it again. I also cant add the photo I want to add in.

Link to report writing.



Math Division DLO

Kia Ora, WALT: use different ways to do Division, there are a few ways to do it, such as Fractions and percentages, percentages is just like division,


50% of 100 = 50

or 100 divided by 2 = 50

sometimes I can really enjoy the workshops I do with my teacher, they can sometimes be hard and they can sometimes be easy, I like the work shops because I get to learn new things about the subject I like the most out of all of them, I like it because I think it is the easiest for me because I think I’m going okay with the math work I’m doing.



Kia Ora, my class and I, we had a task of making the school values and write what we think about it or what we think it means, for me the first one I made was Rangatiratanga. I will update soon

KiwiCan Recap

Kia ora, Today I went to something called kiwi can, it’s when you go to a group called Kiwi Can, you go to Kiwi Can to learn valuable life  lessons so that you can use in your every day life, like out side of school, at home, at the shops, at the park, and at your antis and more, you can learn valuable lessons like fairness and fair play, with so many more lessons for you to learn.  

Would you like to have Kiwi Can?

Here is where i’m at so far I will update from time to time:


Ponder 5

Kia ora, on Wednesday  we had to debate about if it was better to starve or have no water, I went with no food because with no water in your body your mind well start to fail, and if it starts to fail you well start seeing things and if you lose all the water in your body your brain well fail leading to your death, you need your water so that you can get up and walk around to find some food, plush you can go longer with no food then no water.


School Opera.

Kia ora, On Wednesday Edmund Hillary School had the change to see a live Opera at there very own school, at first I thought it was gonna be lame, but when I saw it I was like “wow this is better then I thought, not good, but not bad”.

My Favourite Book

Kia ora, I have recently got a book That reminded me of my favourite book and anime called AOT (Attack On Titan)  AOT is what The fans of the anime call it, they call the anime AOT sort for Attack On Titan, There is a lot of things I like about the anime, there is not one thing I hate about it, but that’s what I think.











Kia ora, WALT write about our group  birds and share facts about them with some of our fellow people also in the same group as me.